AMM 2011, Volume 57, Number 1


To See or Not to See: Beyond the Open Artery in Myocardial Reperfusion

Dobreanu D.

Original Research

Comparative Study Between Echocardiography and Autopsy Results of Congenital Heart Defects

Imre Ágnes1, Egyed-Zs Imre2, Togănel Rodica2, Cotoi Ovidiu1, Pasc Ana Sorina3, Cucerea Manuela4

No-reflow in Patients with ST Elevation Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction

Baba C., Ortan F., Ursu M.

Nutritional Parameters in Children with Acute Leukemia

Chinceșan Mihaela, Baghiu Despina, Horvath Adrienne, Moldovan Diana

Exposure to Aminoglycosides from Flu Vaccines and Susceptibility to Gentamicin Among Escherichia coli Strains in Urinary Isolates from Asthmatic Patients

Ionete Oana Mariana1, Popescu F.D.2, Greblescu Raluca3, Popescu Florica4, Avramescu Carmen1

The Influence of Row Soy Diet on Gastrointestinal Tract in Animal Model

Tiulea Corina1, Peev Camelia1, Mureşan Anca2, Feflea Stefana1, Ciurlea Sorina3, Motoc A.4

Resonance Frequency Analysis of Dental Implant Stability During the Healing Period (A Clinical Study)

Boeriu S.

Primary Cutaneous Melanoma: 7-year Follow-up (2003–2009)

Chifu M. D.1, Sin Anca2, Chifu Madalina3, Milutin Doina1, Mocan Simona1

The Role of SCID II in Diagnosis of Cluster B - Personality Disorders Associated or Not with Affective Comorbidity – a Pilot Study

Toma Mirela1, Nireştean A.1,2, Roșu Codruța1, Echim Iulia1

Correlation Between Helicobacter pylori, Hiatal Hernia and Barrett’s Esophagus

Macarie Melania1, Bățagă Simona1, Crosnoi Daniela3, Macarie I.2, Török Imola1, Georgescu D.1,
Sârbu-Pop Silvia3

Lymph Node Harvest in Resected Colon Cancer Specimens

Kiss R.1, Kiss L.1, Chis F.1, Ilie S.3, Porr P.2, Alexe D.2, Maniu D.5, Mitachescu S.6, Zaharia I.4

Is Psychiatry a Profession Associated with High Anxiety?

Roșu Codruța Maria1, Nireștean A.1,2, Toma Mirela1, Echim Iulia1

Evaluation of Antimicrobial Effect of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Calcium Hydroxide and Calcium Hydroxide with Iodoform on Microbial Growth in Vitro

Eşian Daniela¹, Monea Al.², Man A.³

Stability Studies of Ampicillin Trihydrate in Suspensions and Acidic Aqueous Solutions

Rad I.1, Croitoru M. D.2, Pálffy Ágnes2, Gyéresi Á.3

Comparative Study On Chiral Separation Of Pyrethroic Acids with Amino and Neutral Cyclodextrine Derivatives

Cârje Anca Gabriela1, Juvancz Z.2, Iványi R.3, Schurig V.4, Tőkés B.1

Clinical Aspects of the Schizoaffective Disorder in Comparison with Schizophrenia After a 15-year Evolution

Bredicean Cristina1,3, Ienciu Monica1,2, Papava I.1,3, Salva Emanuela2, Mihalcea Roxana2, Popa Ica3,
Ile L.2,3

Case Report

Considerations Upon a Case of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Guided Percutaneous Cryotherapy Guidance

Colțescu Camelia¹, Habersetzer F.¹, Oltean G.², Bățagă Simona², Georgescu D.², Garnon J.³