Tag Archives: allograft

Allogenic Corneal Stem Cell Transplantation in Rabbits

Background: This is the first study regarding corneal stem cells cultivation in Romania. Our objective is to find a way to cultivate corneal stem cell into tissue that can be used to repair ocular surface.
Material and methods: We have conducted a study using an animal model (rabbit). Corneal fragments were cultivated on amniotic membrane substrate (intact or denuded).
Results: Cultures using denuded AM substrate showed high replication rates, especially after week 2, whereas cultures using intact AM showed little progression. After 1 month, 8 mm fragments trephined from cultivated tissues were used as allografts and transplanted on 8 rabbit eyes. All grafts integrated well, but with loss of transparency and corneal vascularization.
Conclusions: We have demonstrated the technique of cultivating limbal stem cells in vitro, on amniotic membrane substrate. We have also proved that surgical technique of transplantation is straightforward. Allograft use of cultivated stem cells was not efficient in this study.

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