Objective: the number of alkaloids like morphine and codeine found in poppy seeds used in food industry are monitored by a directive given by European Food Safety Authority. Based on this regulation the aim of the study was to determine the quantity of morphine and codeine from several brands of poppy seeds.
Methods: an HPLC-UV method (205 nm) was developed to measure the quantity of morphine and codeine. Sample preparation was made using recipes posted on Drugs Forum by some users. Limits of detection were not determined because the lowest concentration from the reference (0.1 µg/ml) detected morphine concentrations that are far lower than a limit of toxicological concern.
Results: The concentrations, which were found, ranged between Below the Level of Toxicological Concern (BLTC) – 243.26 mg/kg for morphine and BLTC – 88.58 mg/kg for codeine using several methods of preparation.
Conclusions: one can observe that there are some brands of poppy seeds which do not respect the regulation about the amount of morphine and codeine. The high amount of morphine in some samples suggests that there are different varieties of poppy seeds, which can be used for an illicit purpose and can lead to addiction or even overdose in some cases.
Category Archives: Original Research
Clinical Outcomes after Regenerative Periodontal Therapy with Emdogain
Objective: Regeneration is defined as a reconstruction of a lost part of the body in such a way that the structure and function of the lost tissue are completely restored. The aim of this study is to compare the clinical outcomes of intrabony defects treatment using regenerative periodontal therapy with enamel matrix proteins (Emdogain, EMD) with a control group.
Methods: Ten patients with chronic periodontitis were included in this randomized, controlled clinical study. Two groups received conservative periodontal therapy. In the test group, different teeth received regenerative treatment with EMD. In the control group teeth received solely conservative periodontal therapy. Pocket depth probing (PD) and bone reduction (based on X rays) were registered at baseline and after eight months in both groups. In the control group
Results: Both groups showed a significant reduction of PD. The teeth treated with EMD showed a significant attachment gain. Within the test group, the radiographic examination of the teeth treated with EMD showed no significant change, whereas the teeth in the control group showed significant bone reduction.
Conclusions: Intrabony defects in teeth treaded with EMD exhibit a substantially higher gain in clinical attachment and defect filling. The use of EMD in dental practice can prevent further bone loss.
Preparation and Characterization of Levofloxacin-Loaded Nanofibers as Potential Wound Dressings
Objective: The study aimed at obtaining and characterizing levofloxacin-loaded, poly(ε-caprolactone) electrospun nanofiber formulations to be used as antibacterial wound dressings.
Methods: Drug-loaded nanofibers were obtained by the electrospinning process and their morphology was determined using scanning electron microscopy. Structural analysis of the prepared nanofibers was carried out using differential scanning calorimetry and dissolution testing was performed in order to determine drug release.
Results: Both nanofiberous formulations (containing 20 % and 50 % w/w levofloxacin) showed dimensions in the range of few hundred nanometers. Thermograms indicated that the formulation containing 20% levofloxacin was totally amorphized, showing a rapid release of the active, in 20 minutes.
Conclusions: The poly(ε-caprolactone)-based electrospun nanofibers, containing levofloxacin presented suitable characteristics for obtaining potential antibacterial wound dressings.
Short Period Storage Impact on Bioactive Constituents from Bilberries and Blueberries
Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess storage effects on anthocyanin and total polyphenol content in different bilberry and blueberry extracts and to evaluate the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of these extracts.
Materials and methods: Total phenolic content, total monomeric anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity were determined in the first month and after three months storage of berries at either -20 °C or -50 °C. Two different solvents were used (methanol and 50% ethanol). Antibacterial activity was determined for the 3 months stored fruits using a microdilution method and was expressed as the minimum inhibitory concentration.
Results: There were significant differences between the concentration in the first month and after three months storage in both types of fruit extracts. Regarding the extracting solvent, we noticed that total phenols were better extracted with 50% ethanol, while the total monomeric anthocyanin content was higher in the methanolic extracts. No significant or slightly significant differences were observed between the fruits stored at -20 °C or -50 °C. Ethanolic extracts showed the highest scavenging activity. Good antibacterial activity was observed on gram-positive bacteria.
Conclusions: Storage conditions are an important factor that can influence chemical composition of fruits. Although freezing is a good option for preservation, our study showed a high decrease in the concentration of total phenols and anthocyanins after only three months. The fruits have shown a high antioxidant activity and a good antibacterial effect. Further studies are needed for better understanding the changes that can appear during the storage.
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Matrix Type Transdermal Therapeutic Systems
Objective: Transdermal therapeutic systems (TTSs) represent an intensely studied alternative to oral delivery of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the treatment of rheumatic diseases due to its ability of avoiding the side effects of the oral route. This study aims to present the evaluation of the mechanical properties of three NSAIDs (meloxicam, tenoxicam and indomethacin) individually included in four type of polymeric matrixes, as part of new formulations development process.
Methods: 12 products in form of TTS matrixes were prepared by solvent casting evaporation technique, using hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC 15000, HPMC E5) and/or ethylcellulose as matrix-forming polymers. Each of the resulted products was evaluated by determining the water vapor absorption, desorption or transmission in controlled atmosphere humidity (evaluation of porosity); the elongation capacity, tensile strength and bioadhesiveness (evaluation of mechanical properties).
Results: The analysis of three groups of the experimental data expressed as averages on each group was necessary, in order to identify the parameters which statistically are critically influenced by the ingredients associated in the TTSs matrix compositions. Analysis by normality tests, variance and correlation tests (Anova, Pearson) enabled evaluation of the effect of NSAID type vs. the effect of polymer matrix type on the parameters of the NSAID TTS matrix.
Conclusions: Meloxicam incorporated in the structure of HPMC 15000 polymeric matrix favors its viscoelastic structure. Ethylcellulose functions as plasticizer and supports the matrix bioadhesiveness. HPMC E5 does not meet the requirements for TTS preparation in the used experimental conditions.
The Influence of Some Parameters on Chiral Separation of Ibuprofen by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis
Objective: The aim of the study was to compare the influence of mobile phase composition and temperature on chiral separation of racemic ibuprofen by capillary electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection.
Materials and methods: Racemic ibuprofen was analysed on a chiral OVM column with an HPLC system 1100 Agilent Technologies, under isocratic elution, by using potassium dihydrogen phosphate 20 mM and ethanol in mobile phase. The flow rate was set at 1 mL/min, UV detector at 220 nm and different column temperatures were tested. For electrophoresis separation an Agilent CE G1600AX Capillary Electrophoresis System system, with UV detection, was used. The electrophoresis analysis was performed at different pH values and temperatures, with phosphate buffer 25 mM and methyl-β-cyclodextrin as chiral selector.
Results: The chromatograhic analysis reveals a high influence of mobile phase pH on ibuprofen enantiomers separation. An elution with a mixture of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 20 mM pH=3 and ethanol, at 25ºC, allowed enantiomers separation with good resolution in less than 8 min.
Conclusions: The proposed HPLC method proved suitable for the separation of ibuprofen enantiomers with a good resolution, but the capillary electrophoresis tested parameters did not allow chiral discrimination.
Relationship Between High Levels of Salivary Cotinine Test and Demographic Characteristics of Pregnant Smokers from Mures County
Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between the frequency of self-declared status regarding smoking in a group of pregnant women from Mures county, Romania and the high levels of Salivary Cotinine (SC) like biomarkers.
Material and methods: It was conducted a retrospective study among 230 pregnant women presented for prenatal care at 50 General Practitioners cabinets in Mures county, Romania, in 2015. Data were collected with a validated questionnaire which included age, level of education, socioeconomic status and ethnicity, also the self-reported smoking status. The Salivary Cotinine level was evaluated using NicAlert Saliva test kits.
Results: Using salivary test we identified a high prevalence of involuntary exposure to cigarette smoke among both non-smokers and those who quit smoking before pregnancy. Also we registered pregnant women that although declared smoking cessation before pregnancy their salivary Cotinine levels were high, almost like to an active smoker, probably because of second-hand exposure or because they didn’t say the truth about their habit.
Conclusions: We underline the importance of implementing more efficient community interventions among this vulnerable group in order to reduce the frequency of smoking and sustain quitting.
Precursor Synthesis of Some New Macrocyclic Compounds
Objective: Development of new electronic devices with applications in computer science as well as new medical devices pushed the researcher to find new technologies. Based on those new techniques we have designed and synthesized compounds with possible application in the field of advanced materials.
Material and method: Compounds were analyzed by TLC and NMR. Routine 1H NMR (250 MHz) spectra were recorded at room temperature in deuterated acetone, unless stated otherwise. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was carried out on aluminum sheets coated with silicagel 60 F254 Merck TLC plates.
Results: Starting from commercial available compounds intermediates were obtained in a good yield. 4,4′-(2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro[5.5]undecane-3,9-diyl)diphenol was obtained starting from pentaerythritol and p-hydroxy-benzaldehyde in the presence of catalytic amounts of APTS (p-toluensulfonic acid). The product was purified by recrystallization and characterized by NMR spectroscopy. The structure exhibit 2 different signals for equatorial and axial position. Furthermore di, tri and tetra ethylene glycol were obtained by microwave assisted synthesis in a matter of minutes. Compounds were separated by recrystallization.
Conclusions: In conclusion, several intermediates were synthesized and characterized from spectroscopic point of view. Further analyses should be carried out and the compounds should be tested as advanced materials.
Kinetics and Mechanism of Drug Release from Loratadine Orodispersible Tablets Developed without Lactose
Objective: The aim of this study is to develop lactose-free orodispersible tablets with loratadine for patients with lactose intolerance.
Materials and methods: Seven compositions (F1-F7) of 10 mg loratadine were prepared in form of orally disintegrating tablets, by direct compression, using croscarmellose sodium and pre-gelatinized starch in various concentrations as superdisintegrants, diluted with microcrystalline cellulose and combined with mannitol and maltodextrin as binder agents. The tablets had been studied in terms of their pharmacotechnical characteristics, by determining: the weight uniformity of the tablets, their friability, breaking strength and disintegration time, drug content and the dissolution profile of loratadine. The statistical analyses were performed with GraphPad Prism Software Inc. As dependent variables, both the hardness of the tablets and their disintegration ability differ between batches due to their compositional differences (as independent variables). DDSolver were used for modeling the kinetic of the dissolution processes by fitting the dissolution profiles with time-dependent equations (Zero-order, First-order, Higuchi, Korsmeyer-Peppas, Peppas-Sahlin).
Results: All proposed formulas shows rapid disintegration, in less than 15 seconds, and the dissolution loratadine spans a period of about 10 minutes. Akaike index as well as R2 adjusted parameter have demonstrated that the studied dissolution profiles are the best fitted by Zero-order kinetic.
Conclusion: In conclusion, association of croscarmellose sodium (7.5%) with pre-gelatinized starch (6%) as superdisintegrants and mannitol as the binder agent (35%), positively influences the dissolution properties of loratadine from orally fast dispersible tablets.
Characteristics of Sleep Apnea Assessed Before Discharge in Patients Hospitalized with Acute Heart Failure
Objectives. Evaluation of the characteristics of sleep apnea (SA) in patients hospitalized with acute heart failure, considering that undiagnosed SA could contribute to early rehospitalization.
Methods. 56 consecutive patients (13 women, 43 men, mean age 63.12 years) with acute heart failure, in stable condition, underwent nocturnal polygraphy before hospital discharge. The type and severity of SA was determined. Besides descriptive statistics, correlations between the severity of SA and clinical and paraclinical characteristics were also analyzed (t-test, chi-square test, significancy at alpha < 0.05).
Results. 12 (21.4%) subjects were free of SA (AHI – apnea-hipopnea index <5/h), 15 (26.7%) had mild SA (AHI=5-14/h), 17 (30.3%) had moderate SA (AHI 15-30/h), and 12 (21.4 %) had severe SA (AHI>30/h). The apnea was predominantly obstructive (32 cases vs. 12 with central SA). Comparing the patients with mild or no SA with those with severe SA, we did not find statistically significant correlations (p>0.05) between the severity of SA and the majority of main clinical and paraclinical characteristics – age, sex, BMI, cardiac substrates of heart failure, comorbidities. Paradoxically, arterial hypertension (p=0.028) and atrial fibrillation (p=0.041) were significantly more prevalent in the group with mild or no SA.
Conclusions. Before discharge, in the majority of patients hospitalized with acute heart failure moderate and severe SA is present, and is not related to the majority of patient related factors. Finding of significant SA in this setting is important, because its therapy could play an important role in preventing readmissions and improving prognosis.