Background: This paper is an early study of a larger project conducted in Psychiatric Clinic Timişoara which aims to provide new light on family insertion of patients with endogenous psychosis. The purpose of the paper is to analyze patients diagnosed with endogenous psychosis by socio-demographic and psychopathological parameters with emphasis on family, regarding three dimensions (family of origin, their own family and their offspring).
Material and methods: The study is based on 4 groups of patients known as group A (which includes patients diagnosed with schizophrenia), group B (patients diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder), group C (patients with persistent delusional disorder) and group D (which includes patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder).
Results: There were no significant differences related to psychiatric history in family of origin. Patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder rarely found a family, and their fertility is less compared to other forms of psychosis. Most endogenous psychosis women are married, and the family stability is higher among men with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. More frequent own family occurrence in patients with endogenous psychosis is correlated with average age of 33 years, high school education and employment status. Social and family inclusion is increased in the patients with bipolar affective disorder.
Conclusions: There are differences between groups of endogenous psychoses, both in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, their correlation to family insertion and to their own family and offspring of psychotic patients.
Family Insertion in Endogenous Psychoses
Keywords: endogenous psychosis, family insertion, offspring, family of origin, socio-demographic characteristics
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