Tag Archives: Hounsfield unit

A Multiparameter Model for the Correlation Between CT Hounsfield Unit and Blood Components

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0022

Objective: To search for a dependency between blood Hounsfield Units values as measured by Computed Tomography and blood components with regards to hemoglobin oxygenated status, demographic data and acquisition parameters.
Methods: A retrospective study included a convenience sample of 144 SCJU patients who underwent routine thoracic CT examinations (Siemens Somatom AS 64 or 128 MDCT) in 2014 and had laboratory examinations done in nearby time. Variables included age, sex, mA, mV, aortic HU values, PA HU values, RBC, HTC, HGB, PLT, WBC blood sugar, PT and INR. Statistical analysis was performed using R version 3.1.1 and MedCalc 12.5 with a statistical significance factor of 0.05.
Results: The examined patients had an average age of 56.25, with a predominance of males (M:F=1.62). While there was a minor difference between HU values in Males vs Females (1.01 HU) it was proven as statistically significant (p=0.0051). No statistical significant difference between oxygenated/non-oxygenated blood (p=0.9636). Regression analysis found positive correlation between HU values and RGB, HGB and HCT with a significance level below 0.0001, the strongest being for the HGB level.
Conclusions: While HU values seem to carry multifactorial sources and the red blood cells being the most important an importance should be given to the fibrinoid plasma components which appear to bear negative impact.

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