Tag Archives: problem oriented interrogation

Turn-taking Mechanisms in Dialogues Between General Physicians and Cardiac Patients

Introduction: The subject of this research is to investigate communication between general physicians and patients by focusing on the mechanism of turn-taking. The study is meant to identify some characteristics of successful doctor-patient communication and will also attempt to analyze a history taking event with regard to its turn-taking structure.
Material and method: The subject of this research is doctor patient dialogues. The transcribed versions of the recordings contain important information about the content and the process of the conversation as well as special signs for interruptions, breaks and intonation. A history taking encounter of a general physicians and a heart patient was analyzed. Doctor-patient communication was studied from the aspect of trustful relationship. The methods, number, and places of turn-taking were explored.
Results: Based on the results, the patient’s turns were allocated by self-selection 12 times and there were 10 instances of current – the doctor-selecting next speaker. Table II shows the number and different types of indicating turn allocation in the dialogue. According to the results, turn allocation was indicated by the patient’s questions and the doctor’s imperative sentences.
Conclusions: The present research is to be extended with further investigations concerning the mechanisms of problem-solving and turn-taking. For the purposes of widening the focus of the present research further doctor-patient encounters will be recorded, and analyzed using the method of conversation analysis.

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