Tag Archives: support area

Evaluation of Permanent Tooth Eruption Patterns in a Local Community of School Children

Purpose: Due to the fact that in the past years we are dealing with more cases of atypical dentition, the authors propose an evaluation of the eruption sequence of permanent teeth in a community of school children.
Material and method: For this evaluation there have been examined 200 children, students at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” gymnasium. The examined children were both in urban and rural and with ages between 9 and 12 years old, representing the permutation period of the dental support area. The clinic study (intraoral examination) was completed by X-ray examination in cases of atypical eruption, with the absence of the permanent tooth at the age that he should have been present on the dental arch.
Results: The results presented in tables and figures show that the normal sequence of the tooth eruption is presented in a lower percentage (28.5%) of the examined cases. The highest percentage is represented by the atypical tooth eruption (71.5%). Also we observed the existence of three atypical sequences by changing the classical order of the support area teeth: canine, first premolar, second premolar.
Discussions: Although our results were not statistical significant, they still show a changing in the classic eruption sequence. atypical sequences are more frequent in urban area due to more intensive process of industrialization and super refined food fast alimentation.
Conclusions: Classic pattern of eruption in maxilla and mandible has suffered in recent years a number of changes, with early appearance on the poorly developed dental arches of the teeth in the support area.

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