Tag Archives: leukemia

Remarks on Odontogenesis in Children After Chemo-radiation Therapy

Introduction: Leukemias are the most frequent forms of neoplasias in children. The oral complications that occur in time, after the specific treatment through chemotherapy or radiotherapy, are represented by the occurrence of multiple carious lesions, disorders of dental eruptions, the premature loss of the primary teeth, anomalies in the development of teeth.
Material and method: Through the clinical examination of the oral cavity and through radiological examination, with the help of the orthopantomogram, we revealed the disorders of dental development consecutive to the cytostatic therapy and radiotherapy in the acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Results: The specific treatment through chemotherapy and radiotherapy overlapped with important stages of the physiological process of odontogenesis. We noted ageneses, microdontias, precocious eruptions and disorders of the eruption order.
Conclusions: The cytostatic medication and radiotherapy can be followed by anomalies in the development and eruption of the dental buds. The severity of these secondary effects varies according to the patient’s age at the moment of the start of the specific therapy, the stage of dental development, the type of cytostatic medication and the dose and frequency of treatment cycles.

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