Introduction: There are many well-known complications after gluteal augmentation surgery, such as: seroma, hematoma, capsular contracture, retraction, wound dehiscence etc., but there are some due to nervous damage (especially submuscular pockets with large implants) insufficiently recognized. The aim of this case report is to highlight a rare complication (urinary retention) after gluteal augmentation surgery with use of solid silicone implants in case of 41-year-old female. Woman aged 41 with a buttock augmentation with silicone implant (submuscular pocket, 300cc) performed 2 months before at plastic surgery service in Madrid, was admitted in our service, the Clinic of Urology from Tg. Mures, with permanent bladder catheter inserted for urinary retention.
Outcome: At the admission, two months after the surgery the clinical examination revealed a permeable urinary catheter with clear urine and a fistulisated wound infection localized in the superior 1/3 of the incision in the intergluteal sulcus. Neither neurological or gynecological examination identified any pathology. After the removal of the catheter, next day the abdominal ultrasonography showed a distended bladder, with a postvoid residual urine volume of 320 ml. Urodynamic investigations (uroflowmetry, pressure flow studies) revealed a reduced Qmax. 7,6 ml/sec, underactive detrusor with a reduced BCI value of 60 (bladder contractility index), requiring self-intermittent catheterization, associated with alpha-blockers.
Conclusions: Buttock implantation is a frequently used plastic surgery procedure with rather high rate of complications, some of them not well identified, unknown such as detrusor underactivity leading to urinary retention.
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A Study of Heat Generation in Orthopaedic Bone Drilling Process
Reconstruction and repair of a complete bone fracture requires surgical drilling of bone in order to create holes which support easy insertion of screws. The objective of the research is to optimize kinematic parameters when drilling bone in order to avoid bone necrosis and increase the capacity of bones to retain the surgical screws. In literature there are presented attempts to measure the temperature of bones by introducing thermocouples into bone near the drill path which is not a satisfactory method. In this research it is proposed a new method for measuring temperature by means of a digital infrared thermometer oriented on bone surface where holes are made. We have drilled animal bones and represented the experimental curves of temperature for a wide range of kinematic parameters that are supposed to be used during orthopaedic operations. It is concluded speeds ranges that can be used when drilling bone holes, which ensures good cutting conditions and temperatures at a level which does not affect the quality of the assembly.
Considerations on the Use of Organic Substances in Chemical Peels: A Systematic Review
Chemical peel is a dermato-cosmetic procedure used to destroy and remove, in a controlled manner and under the supervision of the specialists, the degraded parts of the skin, in order to allow acceleration of the skin regeneration process. Based on their depth of skin penetration chemical peels are classified into superficial, medium and deep peels. The substances used in the chemical peels differ from each other depending on the effective action depth. Different peel agents with an appropriate peel depth should be selected based on the problem to be treated, considering also the nature of skin pathology. To achieve the best results other factors, such as skin type and characteristics, region to be treated, safety issues, healing time, and patient adherence, should also be considered. The present review focuses on the particularities of the substances used in various peel types, highlighting recent advances in chemical peel technology and explaining suggested application of certain substances in different peel types.
Enumerating the Yield and Purity of PfDNA from Archived, Newly Used mRDTs and Comparison with DBS from a Malaria-Endemic Focus
Objective: Archived malaria rapid diagnostic test strips (mRDTs) serves as an important source of plasmodium Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA) in epidemiological studies. The presence of Plasmodium falciparum DNA (PfDNA) in mRDTs (yr. 2016-2017) and newly used ones (yr. 2018) were enumerated with a view to establish the parasite’s optimum genomic DNA volume. Methods: A retrospective study to determine the yield and purity of used mRDTs was carried out on randomly selected mRDTs (2016 – 2018). Both positive and negative mRDTs samples were analyzed with nested Polymerase chain reaction (nPCR). Dried blood spots (DBS) were obtained from study enrolments and analyzed molecularly. nPCR and Agarose gel electrophoresis were used to determine P. falciparum DNA. Results: Agarose gel electrophoresis results showed that only 26 out of the 50 samples eligible for screening were PCR positive for P. falciparum. The following was observed; yrs.: 2016 – 17(34%) with 2.06 X 103 yield, 1.7235 purity; 2017 – 16(32%) with 1.03 X 103 yield, 1.7619 purity and 2018 – 17(34%) with 1.42 X 103 yield, 1.6194 purity. Molecular analysis (P.f. 18Ss rRNA) was determined to ascertain positive result that appeared negative using mRDTs or microscopy. The DNA yield of the DBS for 2018 was 1.66 X 103 and a purity (Optical Density 260/280) of 1.69. The purity was higher than that of the mRDTs with a DNA yield of 1.42 X 103 and 1.62 purity. Conclusion: PfDNA extraction is an important process for malaria PCR screening and the reliability is dependent on pureness and concentration.
Volume 66, Number 1, 2020
Patient Positioning in Neurosurgery, Principles and Complications
Patient positioning is a crucial step in neurosurgical interventions This is the responsibility of both the neurosurgeon and the anesthesiologist.
Patient safety, surgeon’s comfort, choosing an optimal trajectory to the lesion, reducing brain tension by facilitating venous drainage, using gravitation to maintain the lesion exposed and dynamic retraction represent general rules for correct positioning. All bony prominences must be protected by silicone padding. The head can be positioned using a horseshoe headrest or three pin skull clamp, following the general principles: avoiding elevating the head above heart more than 30 degrees, avoiding turning the head to one side more than 30 degrees and maintaining 2 to 3 finger breaths between chin and sternum. Serious complications can occur if the patient is not properly positioned so this is why great care must be paid during this step of the surgical act.
The relative bioavailability of two formulations containing 10 mg Dapagliflozin assessed under fasting conditions in a randomized crossover study in healthy Caucasian subjects
Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relative bioavailability of two formulations containing 10 mg dapagliflozin in healthy Caucasian subjects under fasting conditions.
Materials and Methods: Forty-eight healthy Caucasian subjects were enrolled in a single-dose, crossover, balanced, open label, randomized clinical trial, with two treatment, two periods and two sequences. The wash-out period was of 7 days and thirty-eight subjects completed both study periods. Each subject received a single dose of 10 mg dapagliflozin as the reference product Farxiga® (AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, USA) and the test product developed by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, India. Dapagliflozin plasma levels were determined from blood samples collected in both study periods before and after dosing until 48 hours by using a validated LC-MS/MS method. For pharmacokinetic analysis of data, the non-compartmental method was used (Phoenix® WinNonlin 6.3). The statistical analysis was performed by SAS software 9.1.3 for the logarithmically transformed values of maximum plasma concentration and area under the curve.
Results: The 90% confidence intervals for the evaluated pharmacokinetic parameters were found to be in the accepted interval for bioequivalence (80.00-125.00%).
Conclusion: The 10 mg dapagliflozin immediate release tablet newly developed by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, India, is bioequivalent with the reference product Farxiga® under fasted state of the subjects.
Thin layer chromatographic compatibility study in preformulation of new transdermal therapeutic systems
Objective: The compatibility of four binary active substances combinations adapalene – levofloxacin (ADP-LFX), adapalene – miconazole nitrate (ADP-MCZ), levofloxacin – meloxicam (LFX-MLX) and levofloxacin – miconazole nitrate (LFX-MCZ) was analysed to be comprised in new transdermal therapeutic systems. Also, the compatibility of selected active substances and four polymeric excipients (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose – HPMC 15000, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose – HPMC E5, ethyl cellulose – EC 10, and hydroxyethyl cellulose – HEC) was studied.
Methods: Thin layer chromatographic method (TLC) and four selected mobile phases were used. On the plate (in situ) were obtained the binary combinations (active substances and active substance-polymer).
Results: A good compatibility of ADP-LFX was found using ammonia : methanol : acetonitrile : methylene chloride 2:4:1:4 mobile phase. Using chloroform : acetone : glacial acetic acid 34:4:3 on the chromatogram of ADP-MCZ, only ADP spots appeared but without changes in the shape of the spots and Rf values. Any modifications of LFX and MLX spots (from LFX-MLX mixture) had been observed using toluene : glacial acetic acid : methanol 11:1:0.5 mobile phase, although LFX spots have remained on the baseline. Only LFX spots were visible from LFX-MLX and LFX-MCZ mixtures (ammonia : methanol : acetonitrile : methylene chloride 2:4:1:4 mobile phase). Distinctive spots were observed for ADP, LFX and MLX with variable results from no chemical interactions to limited chemical interactions when the compatibility with polymers was verified.
Conclusions: ADP-LFX and LFX-MLX mixtures were found to be compatible. ADP with HPMC polymers and LFX with HPMC E5 and HEC had presented excellent compatibility; for the other binary combinations, different analytical methods will be necessary.
The First International Western and Chinese & Thai Medicine Workshop on Pain Therapy & Management, Targu Mures, Romania. November 25 – 28, 2019
The First International Workshop on using combined Western and Traditional Medicine for Pain Therapy was successfully held in Romania, 2018. Medical doctors from Romania, China and Thailand participated as lecturers and demonstrators to more than 40 participants. At the conclusion of the workshop, the organizers, lecturers and participants overwhelmingly endorsed the proposals to organize the second workshop and to organize a clinical trial in developing a combined protocol for innovative pain therapy.
Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy in Diabetes Mellitus Patients – Are We Aware of the Consequences?
Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy is the most frequent clinical form of autonomous diabetic neuropathy and appears secondary to cardiac autonomous fibre involvement, actively involved in cardiac rhythm impairment. Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients can present cardiac autonomic neuropathy early in the disease. Autonomous nerve function in DM patients should be assessed as early as the diagnosis is set in order to establish the optimal therapeutic strategy. The most frequent cardio-vagal test used is heart rate variability. An abnormal heart rate variability in the presence of orthostatic arterial hypotension indicates a severe cardiac autonomic neuropathy diagnosis. The development of cardiac autonomic neuropathy is subjected to glycaemic control, duration of the disease and associated risk factors. The glycaemic control is extremely important, especially early in the disease. Therefore, a poor glycaemic control carries unfavourable long-term effects, despite an ulterior optimal control, a phenomenon named “hyperglycaemic memory”. In type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, the association of cardiac autonomic neuropathy with intensive glycaemic control increases the mortality rate, due to the fact, that, secondary to autonomous impairment, the patients do not present the typical symptoms associated with hypoglycaemia. Stratifying the cardiac autonomic neuropathy aids the clinician in assessing the morbidity and mortality risk of diabetes mellitus patients, because it is an independent risk factor for mortality, associated with silent myocardial infarctions and the risk of sudden death.