Tag Archives: nutrition

Breastfeeding and diversification attitudes among Romanian mothers

DOI: 10.2478/amma-2021-0029

Introduction: Recommended by the World Health Organization as the optimal way of infant feeding, maternal breast milk represents the best nourishment for the newborn baby during its first six months. The purpose of this study was to evaluate some of the Romanian mothers’ characteristics that can influence their attitude towards breastfeeding and food diversification.
Methods: A questionnaire about 32 questions, including demographics items and breastfeeding attitudes, was sent online (socializing platforms) in 2020 to mothers from all Romania districts. Our sample included at the end 1768 subjects, who fully completed the questionnaire. Statistical analysis was carried out using the GraphPad statistical software.
Results: The prevalence of breastfeeding for more than six months was only 32.18% in our group, and most of them were educated mothers who lives in urban areas (OR=2.76), were married (OR=1.98), had over 30 years old (OR=1.43) and have more than one child (OR=1.74).
Conclusions: We underline the importance of tackling in our future community interventions some of the socio-demographic characteristics of pregnant women (like groups education, good and accessible information about breastfeeding, young age, first pregnancy, or mothers from rural areas as well) in developing good habits of breastfeeding or complementary feeding, in order to improve their children health status and proper development.

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Eating Behaviour and Food Preferences of Tîrgu Mures High School Students

DOI: 10.2478/amma-2018-0014

Introduction. Due to a busy and exhausting urban lifestyle parents do not always have the necessary time to pay sufficient attention to the quality of the dietary habits of their children.
Objective. Starting from the premise that teenagers have insufficient information about healthy eating, the present study aimed to highlight eating behaviours and nutrition knowledge deficits in a group of 427 high school students from Tîrgu Mures.
Methods. An observational study based on lifestyle and food frequency consumption was conducted. In 2017, students in fifteen classes from several High School Institutions from Targu Mures, Romania, were asked to complete a questionnaire with questions relating to the current state of health, lifestyle characteristics, anthropometric indicators, frequency of daily meal consumption, significance and intake of food additives, leisure activities performed and also teenagers’ preferences for food products.
Results. The average age of the respondents was 16.1 years old, 72.6% were boys, and 82% lived in the city. 43.6% of respondents stated that food is a necessity, while 22% asserted that food characterizes a pleasure for them. Concerning the calorific value of foods, 32.8% stated that they have no interest in the calorie content of different food products while only 26%, mainly girls, took notice of these. 31.10% of respondents indicated that they include the recommended amount of vegetables in their daily diet, 22% prefer to eat preserved foods while increased consumption of sweets was observed in 39.80%. 55.50% of respondents ate breakfast on a regular basis, and 37% read food labels.
Conclusions. The results emphasize the necessity to develop more effective educational programs designed to create necessary background information for a young generation, change adolescent dietary behaviours for the better, and thus prevent dietary related diseases.

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The Prevalence and Correlates of Eating Between Meals in a Cross-Sectional Study of a Health Oriented Adult Population

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2015-0095

Objectives: To assess the prevalence of snacking and to explore the relationship between snacking and several demographic, anthropometric, functional and biochemical factors. Methods: The study included 756 individuals over 18 years of age from Medias, Romania. Demographics and data about snacking were collected by trained volunteers. Height, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure were measured with standard equipment according to accepted procedures. Blood glucose and cholesterol were measured by experienced nurses using portable devices. Associations between variables were checked with the Pearson Chi-square test. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to measure the association between binary variables. Results: About half of the subjects in the studied sample reported snacking less than 2 times / week, 34.5% between 3-4 times / week and 14.8% more than 4 times / week. Statistical analysis found that snacking was associated with gender (males being less likely to snack than females), ethnicity (non-Romanians being less likely to snack than Romanian ethnics), marital status of the subjects (not married people being less likely to snack than married people ), systolic blood pressure (people consuming more often snacks being less likely to have high systolic blood pressure values), and blood sugar level (people eating more frequently between meals being more likely to have higher blood glucose levels). Conclusions: Snacking was a widespread eating habit among the study participants and was significantly associated with gender, ethnicity, marital status, systolic blood pressure and blood glucose levels.

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Nutritional Approach of Pediatric Patients Diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease

DOI: 10.2478/amma-2013-0029

Congenital heart defects are among the most frequent anomalies present at birth, representing a heterogeneous group of malformations, both in terms of pathogenesis and clinical significance of the lesion. Failure to grow is well documented in infants with complex congenital heart defects; the presence of associated chromosomal abnormalities, cyanosis, and cardiac failure adds to the complexity and challenge. Malnutrition etiology can be grouped into the following three categories: inadequate intake, inefficient absorption and utilization, and/or increased energy needs. The consequences of malnutrition are both short and long term, timely nutritional intervention being necessary in order to maintain an adequate nutritional state. Because there are several types of congenital heart defects and multiple mechanisms by which they produce failure to thrive, no single strategy will be adequate to treat all cases. Medical complications such as chylotorax, necrotizing enterocolitis, laryngeal and neurological dysfunction play a major role in the requisite nutrition therapy in infants with congenital heart defect; limited access to human milk and parenteral concerns, as well as stress about feeding are also factors that can contribute to poor outcomes concerning nutrition and growth. Protocols are being considered and designed, and a systematic approach is always needed. The quality of life for patient and family, as well as getting the child back on track for age-appropriate development are always at the fore-front of each care plan.

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