Category Archives: Number

Left Sided Gallbladder – Case Report

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0042

Left sided gallbladder is a rare anomaly that is often associated with other abnormal anatomy in the hepatobiliary system. One left positioned gallbladder was found in a consecutive series of 3290 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gallstone disease in the Mure County Emergency Hospital’s 2nd Surgery Clinic between 2005 and 2015, a prevalence of 0.03 per cent. In case of left sided gallbladder the cystic artery always crosses in front of the common bile duct from right to left. The cystic duct may open on the left or right side of the common hepatic duct. Anterograde cholecystectomy is the best choice for precise exploration of the cystic duct and cystic artery.

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Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring – Clinical Practice Recommendations

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0038

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) became a subject of considerable scientific interest. Due to the increasing use of the ABPM in everyday clinical practice it is important that all the users have a correct knowledge on the clinical indications, the methodology of using the device including some technical issues and the interpretation of results. In the last years several guidelines and position papers have been published with recommendations for the monitoring process, reference values, for clinical practice and research. This paper represents a summary of the most important aspects related to the use of ABPM in daily practice, being a synthesis of recommendations from the recent published guidelines and position papers. This reference article presents the practical and technical issues of ABPM, the use of this method in special situations, the clinical interpretation of measured values including the presentation of different ABPM patterns, derived parameters, the prognostic significance and the limitations of this method.

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The Value of a Simplified Lung Ultrasound Protocol in the Pre-Discharge Evaluation of Patients Hospitalized with Acute Heart Failure

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0039

Optimal timing of hospital discharge in patient with acute heart failure (AHF) is an important factor of preventing rehospitalizations.
Aim. To evaluate the value of a simplified lung ultrasound (LUS) protocol in assessing pre-discharge status of patients with AHF, correlating the US findings with the values of NT-proBNP levels.
Methods. 24 patients (18 men, 6 women, mean age 68,2 years) hospitalized with acute heart failure underwent LUS examination in the afternoon of the day before hospital discharge, applying a simplified LUS protocol, using three basal examination areas on the right side (anterior, lateral and posterior) and two basal examination areas on the left side (lateral and posterior). The LUS score was represented by the sum of B lines. In the next morning the value of NT-proBNP was also determined. The correlation between LUS findings and NT-proBNP values was analyzed using Fisher`s exact test (significant if alpha<0,05).
Results. 6 patients had <15 B lines, 16 patients had >15 B lines and 2 patients had pleural effusion on LUS, while 16 patients had the value of NT-proBNP >1000pg/ml at discharge. The results of LUS examination correlated significantly (p=0.0013) with the NT-proBNP values – only one patient not having increased NT-proBNP in the group with >15 B lines.
Conclusions. Despite a relatively good clinical status, the majority of patients had high NT-proBNP values at the time of hospital discharge. LUS proved to be a useful tool in identifying patients with subclinical congestion reflected also by the high NT-proBNP levels. These patients may need a prolongation of hospitalization and/or a more careful follow-up to prevent early readmission.

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Predictors of Postoperative Outcome in Patients with Lower Limb Surgical Revascularization

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0037

Objective: In patients with critical limb ischemia who undergone revascularization procedures, the assessment of risk factors that may affect the postoperative outcome is of great importance. The main objective in this study is to assess the utility of two specific risk scores, the Finnvasc score and the modified Prevent III score.
Methods: We evaluated the applicability of these two risk scores in 150 patients who undergone an unilateral infrainguinal surgical revascularization procedure. The receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to estimate the predictive value of the scoring methods. A comparison between the risk scores, determine the areas under the curve. Medium-term prediction ability was analyzed for both scoring methods.
Results: The area under the curve of Finnvasc score for predicting amputation was 0.739 (95%CI:0.661-0.807) and of the modified PIII score 0.713 (95%CI:0.633-0.784); for restenosis we obtained 0.528 (95%CI:0.444-0.611), respectively 0.529 (95%CI:0.445-0.612) and for thrombosis 0.628 (95%CI:0.544-0.706) and 0.556 (95%CI:0.472-0.638), demonstrating that the Finnvasc score performs better in overall prediction. Heart failure is a strong independent predictor of amputation (p=0.0001, OR=26.90; 95%CI:5.81-124.2), restenosis (p=0.0003, OR=4.80; 95%CI:1.96-11.8) and mortality (p=0.01, OR=7.16; 95%CI:1.33-38.52).
Conclusions: The accuracy of the two risk scoring methods in predicting the medium-term outcome of patients undergoing surgical infrainguinal revascularization is acceptable. The Finnvasc score is easier to be applied to the characteristics of our patients.

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Prodrug Strategy in Drug Development

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0032

Prodrugs are chemically modified derivatives introduced in therapy due to their advantageous physico-chemical properties (greater stability, improved solubility, increased permeability), used in inactive form. Biological effect is exerted by the active derivatives formed in organism through chemical transformation (biotransformation). Currently, 10% of pharmaceutical products are used as prodrugs, nearly half of them being converted to active form by hydrolysis, mainly by ester hydrolysis. The use of prodrugs aims to improve the bioavailability of compounds in order to resolve some unfavorable characteristics and to reduce first-pass metabolism. Other objectives are to increase drug absorption, to extend duration of action or to achieve a better tissue/organ selective transport in case of non-oral drug delivery forms. Prodrugs can be characterized by chemical structure, activation mechanism or through the presence of certain functional groups suitable for their preparation. Currently we distinguish in therapy traditional prodrugs prepared by chemical derivatisation, bioprecursors and targeted delivery systems. The present article is a review regarding the introduction and applications of prodrug design in various areas of drug development.

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Romanian Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the SarQol Questionnaire

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0036

Sarcopenia, or age-related muscle loss is emerging as a major public health concern. A reduced quality of life (QoL) due to impaired physical performance associated with this disease has been evidenced in these individuals.Generic instruments, such as Short Form 36 questionnaire (SF-36), do not accurately assess the impact of sarcopenia on QoL. SarQol (Sarcopenia Quality of Life) questionnaire, was the first disease-specific questionnaire addressing quality of life in patients with sarcopenia and has been recently designed for providing a global picture on quality of life in community-dwelling elderly subjects aged 65 years and older. Our aim was the translation and cultural adaptation of the original SarQol, to finally obtain a highly reliable instrument for the assessment of the quality of life of Romanian patients, affected by sarcopenia.
We followed the recommended process, the international protocol of translation. The pretest process involved 20 subjects (10 sarcopenic and 10 non sarcopenic with different educational and socioeconomic backgrounds) who were asked to complete the questionnaire. Feedbacks were requested from all subjects regarding the clearness of questions, difficulties in completing the test or understanding the meaning of questions. Using the recommended best practice protocol for translation, the pre-final version is comparable with the original instrument in terms of content and accuracy. After the validation of psychometric properties, it should be a useful tool to assess Quality of Life and sarcopenia among elderly Romanian patients.

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The Incidence and Risk Factors of Nosocomial Infections in ICU

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0035

Introduction: The increased incidence of nosocomial infections in intensive care units, with frequent occurrence of multiresistant pathogens increase mortality and often raises therapeutic problems. Objectives: to assess the incidence of nosocomial infections, and risk factors.
Methods: The study includes 125 patients hospitalized in the Clinic of Anesthesiology and Intesive Care in the Emergency County Hospital and Cardiovascular Surgery Targu Mures. The patients were divided into two groups: the control group (n = 99), patients who did not develop infections during hospitalization in the ICU and the group with infection (n = 26).
Results: The incidence of nosocomial infections in our intensive care unit was 19.1%, the most common pathogen being Acinetobacter baumanii. There were no significant differences between the two groups regarding demographic data, the most important risk factor was chronic alcohol consumption. SAPS II. and SOFA scores showed higher values in the group with infection on the day of admission. This group showed lower levels of arterial blood oxygen (Horowitz index), lower sodium level, and higher number of platelets compared to the control group. The mortality in the group with infection was 47.65% compared to the control.
Conclusions: Nosocomial infections in critically ill patients are associated with hypoxemia, thrombocytopenia, hyponatremia and a bad outcome.

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Radiographic Comparison of Vertical Skeletal and Dental Parameters in Skeletal Open Bite

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0034

Objective: The purpose of our randomized study was to compare the skeletal and dental values in open bite cases using lateral cephalometric analysis and panoramic X-rays analysis and to evaluate if PR is a reliable diagnostic method in skeletal malocclusions.
Methods: 21 (6 boys, 15 girls) patient with skeletal open bite were selected and both radiological examinations were performed. “Modified cephalometric analysis” on panoramic X-rays and Steiner’s cephalometric analysis was performed using AudaxCeph software. Statistical analysis was performed using the Pearson correlation method and SPSS statistical software for comparison.
Results: Skeletal values like anterior facial height (AFH), angles between Frankfort horizontal and mandibular/palatal plane (ML/H and NL/H) showed no statistical significance, mandibular plane/ramus tangent angle (goniac angle) and mandibular plane/palatal plane angle (ML/RL, ML/NL) showed high or moderate (posterior facial height – PFH) significant statistical interrelation (r=0.46-0.80). Almost all dental parameters were statistically significant, from moderate to high (r=0.56-0.79). The only statistically insignificant dental parameter was the mesial cusp tip of the upper first molar/palatal plane (ms-NL) distance (r=0.32). Vertical skeletal and dental parameters on panoramic X-rays can moderately approximate lateral cephalomteric values. This means that mostly in skeletal malocclusions, panoramic X-rays cannot be used for quantitative determination of the parameters.

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Lyme Meningoradiculitis: Case Reports and Literature Review

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0033

The clinical manifestations of Lyme disease are protean. The meningoradiculitis is a common and well-recognized complication of neuroborreliosis but can be easily misdiagnosed without a high degree of clinical suspicion, mainly if the tick bite is not present in the medical history. We report two cases of Lyme meningoradiculitis with excellent outcome after appropriate antibiotic therapy. In an endemic area in case of neurological manifestations suggestive for neuroborreliosis the serological testing for B. burgdorferi in serum and cerebrospinal fluid is imperative for the correct diagnosis.

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In Vitro Interactions of Diclofenac with Several Types of Food

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0030

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate how the membrane transport of diclofenac on presence of different types of food is modified.
Methods: The interaction of diclofenac, as a pure substance and solid dispersions of the active ingredient, with different types of foods was investigated in vitro condition using a modified Franz diffusion cell.
Results: The amount of diclofenac transported through a lipophilic membrane was reduced by the presence of foodstuffs in artificial gastric juice and intestinal juice also, both in the case of the pure substance and solid dispersions also. The only exception was the case of milk in artificial gastric juice, when the amount of diclofenac in the receiving compartment increased about 2-fold compared to the fasted conditions simulating media. In the case of the solid dispersions of diclofenac the membrane transport increased in all cases compared to the pure substance, but was also reduced by the foods.
Conclusions: It was concluded that, the presence of different foodstuffs can influence the membrane transport of diclofenac – by inhibiting its solubility – and these differences observed in vitro can lead to modifications in the in vivo pharmacokinetic parameters. The lowest difference in diclofenac membrane transport was observed in the case of diclofenac:PEG 6000 solid dispersion prepared in 1:5 mass ratio.

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