Tag Archives: diet

The role of diet in modulating the intestinal microbiota in healthy adults: Is the evidence enough?

DOI: 10.2478/amma-2023-0025

The diet is an important factor that can influence the structures and function of the population of germs that compose the intestinal microbiota. This review presents current data on the response of the intestinal microbiota depending on the diet. While many studies have shown that the intestinal microbiota is influenced by macronutrient and micronutrient compounds of the diet, the studies on healthy human subjects were fewer and showed only to a small extent the influence of cooked food on the intestinal microbiota. Additional research is still needed regarding the effect of the way food is cooked can have on the intestinal microbiota, before beneficial dietary recommendations can be made.

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Diet, Smoking and Family History as Potential Risk Factors in Acne Vulgaris – a Community-Based Study

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2016-0007

Objective. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of practices and attitudes towards lifestyle in adolescence as risk or protective factors, for both the acne occurrence and lesions’ severity.
Methods. A cross-sectional study based on a self-reported questionnaire was conducted during 4 months on 148 high school students, aged 16-20 years, in a high school community of Tîrgu Mureș. Acne prevalence and severity, demographic and anthropometric characteristics, the family history of acne vulgaris, smoking behavior and the weekly intake of certain food categories supposed to increase the risk of acne vulgaris were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed in terms of Odds ratio, Confidence Interval and Chi-square (p<0.05) methods.
Results. In the investigated community, acne prevalence was found of 47.30%, while 78 subjects (control group) had no facial acne lesions. In acne group: 57.1% had family history of acne, 62.9% were smokers, 22.9% were overweight or obese and 84.3% did not receive any dietary information from specialists. 41.4% were not fish consumers, while 74.3% rarely or never were eating fruits and vegetables. Statistically significant differences between the two analyzed groups were found in terms of sweets, carbonated drinks, dietary fat, white bread, fish, fruits and vegetables weekly intake.
Conclusions. Family history, smoking behavior, excessive dietary fat, sweets, carbonated drinks and white bread could be considered as risk factors in acne vulgaris. An increased weekly intake of fish, vegetables and fruits, may have a protective effect in acne development or severity.

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Obesity Treatment Strategies

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2015-0076

Obesity is a disease with severe health consequences and increased risk of mortality. The most commonly used criteria to assess the presence and the severity of obesity are body mass index, waist circumference, waist-to-height ratio and the presence of the health conditions caused or worsened by obesity. Worldwide obesity has more than doubled in the last 4 decades. Obesity is the second of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide (after smoking). Obesity has a plurifactorial pathogenesis. The central perturbation consists in the imbalance between calories intake and calories consumption (by inappropriate diet and sedentary lifestyle). Identification of all the ethiological factors is important for treatment and prophylaxis. Weight loss benefits are multiple and important: improvement in glicemic control and in plasma lipid levels, blood presure control, obstructiv sleep apneea reduction, improvement in management of daily activities and profesional performances, increase quality of life, reduction in mortality. Overweight or obese patient will complete a diagnostic and a treatment program. Treatment of obesity claims a targeted multidimensional therapy: weight and lifestyle management, diet, sustained physical activity in daily life, exercise, decrease life stressors, smoking cessation, drug therapy, bariatric surgery psichological, familial and social suport. Weight loss program must be carefully planned, adapted to the patient’s abilities and comorbidities and supervised by a nutritionist and a physiotherapist.

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Food Consumption Frequency at Students from Rural Areas from Moldova Republic

DOI: 10.1515/amma-2015-0044

Objective: Our study aim to evaluate the characteristics of nutrition behavior at teenagers from Moldova’s rural area schools in order to make a profile of risk behavior related to diet and to implement efficient community intervention programs.
Methods: We studied in 2014 the daily frequency consumption of the main food groups, in a sample of 1236 students of 7th-12th class, from rural localities of the Republic of Moldova, using the questionnaire method.
Results: The teenagers had consumed on the day preceding the interview, cereals and bakery products – 99.2%, fruits – 86.7%, cooked vegetables – 72.6%, meat dishes – 72.1%, potatoes – 50.3%, dairy products – 46.9%, raw vegetables – 44.7%, eggs – 25.3%, fish – 19.4%, raw fruits juice – 14.8%, legumes – 12.5% of students. From those investigated 52.6% have consumed food with high fat content higher than recommended levels. Regarding the food groups present in the menu we registered a satisfactory level of consumption by the students for cereals and bakery products, fruits, cooked vegetables and meat dishes; relatively satisfactory – the consumption of dairy products, raw vegetables and potatoes; unsatisfactory level for the consumption of eggs, fish and legumes.
Conclusions: We sustain the idea that it is important to constantly evaluate the risk factors related to the inadequate diet at teenagers and to implement efficient community intervention in order to prevent nutrition related diseases that can occur.

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