Background/aim: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder of multiple etiologies characterized by a lack of insulin, with a consequent disordered metabolism of glucose, fats, and proteins. A number of complications, such as diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy, may develop as a result of long-term diabetes. The aim of this study aimed to determine the correlation between diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy as long-term complications of diabetes mellitus.
Materials and methods: Retrospective, descriptive, and analytical research was conducted at the department of Endocrinology, Clinical Center, University of Sarajevo. The study included 158 patients hospitalized in time between 1st of January and 31st of December 2012.
Results: New-onset diabetes was found in 38%, and diabetes type 2 patients 132 (83.5%), female 105 (66.5%) while older than 60 years were 100 (63.3%). Upon discharge from hospital 83,7% of patients were discharged with glycemia <10 mmol / l. We found that 47,5% of patients had HbA1c> 10%. Reduced kidney function, different degrees of failure was at 66.5%. More than half (62.7%) patients had proteinuria as a sign of diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic retinopathy was diagnosed with different types in 54.4%.
Conclusion: Diabetes leads to an increase in nitrogen compounds, and the development of diabetic nephropathy manifests as various degrees of renal insufficiency. The duration of diabetes and occurrence of diabetic retinopathy were significantly interrelated. The correlation between the degree of renal failure and changes in the ocular fundus has not been proven, but more severe renal insufficiency is associated with a higher incidence of diabetic retinopathy compared to patients with less impaired renal function.
Category Archives: Original Research
Effects of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) supplementation on diabetic polyneuropathy in patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus
Introduction: Peripheral sensorimotor polyneuropathy is present in nearly half of the patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Over the past 10 years, animal and human studies have suggested that vitamin D3 treatment may have a role in preventing or reducing neuropathic complaints and symptoms.
Material and method: Our clinical, prospective, interventional, placebo-controlled study investigated the therapeutic effect of 2.000 IU oral cholecalciferol administered for three months on diabetic polyneuropathy. Patients treated with vitamin D and B, thioctic acid, and other analgesics were excluded. Using the single-blind technique, they were randomly assigned into vitamin D-treated and placebo-treated groups. In addition to recording anamnestic data, the study included – a Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Scoring System and Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument based – questionnaire to assess subjective symptoms and a physical examination including sensory tests (fine touch-, temperature awareness, pain-, vibration perception). Vitamin D levels were measured. After three months of therapy, the examination was repeated.
Results: Most of the patients were found to have vitamin D deficiency (36% of the total population) or insufficiency (43%). In the cholecalciferol-treated group, but not in the control group, subjective symptoms decreased in intensity and/or frequency, and a significant improvement in the overall complaint scale was observed (p = 0.006), but no change regarding the sensory tests (p > 0.05).
Conclusions: Our results show that oral administration of cholecalciferol for three months significantly reduced subjective symptoms and neuropathic pain as assessed by our questionnaire, however, there was no significant change in the results of the sensory tests. Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency was common in diabetic patients (79% in our population), therefore screening is recommended.
Detection of serum telomerase and fibronectin as precursor markers of cervix cancer in patients with a positive Pap test
Introduction: Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that appears in cervical cells, in the lower part of the uterus, being characterized by the proliferation of atypical cancerous cells, which can spread rapidly, representing a serious disease, with significant medical and social impact among affected individuals, and a severe evolution particularly when detected in advanced stages. The aim of this study was to evaluate the alterations found in cervical cells, caused by persistent HPV infection, using inflammatory protein biomarkers such as fibronectin and telomerase.
Material and method: This study included a total of 169 women, both asymptomatic and symptomatic, aged between 30 and 64 years. Those women underwent routine gynecological consultations or were referred to a gynecologist because of their symptoms. After selecting the patients, a Pap test and blood samples (5 ml) were taken. Using a questionnaire, information regarding sexual characteristics and behaviors, as well as personal medical history, were collected.
Results: The median value for telomerase was 0.1 ng/ml, with a minimum of 0.01 ng/ml and a maximum of 30.09 ng/ml. Based on the telomerase results, 66 (39.1%) patients had positive results (more than 0.215 units) and 103 (60.9%) had negative results. The median value for fibronectin was 3.72 ng/ml with a minimum of 0.55 ng/ml and a maximum of 89.9 ng/ml. Of all women included in the study, 36 (21.3%) had positive results (more than 10 ng/ml), and 133 (78.7%) had negative results. Also, 15.2% of patients with positive telomerase and 16.7% with positive fibronectin presented Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance. Mature squamous metaplasia and inflammatory cells have been identified among positive and negative results of fibronectin and telomerase.
Conclusions: Positive and negative results for fibronectin and telomerase were similar in correlation with cytological results and information about HPV infection or sexual practices/characteristics were similar.
Comparative clinical evaluation of xenograft (Cerabone) versus allograft combined with platelet-rich fibrin for treatment of grade II mandibular furcation defects
Aim: The present study aims to evaluate the efficacy of naturally-derived bovine hydroxyapatite (Cerabone) versus demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft both combined with platelet-rich fibrin for treatment of grade II mandibular furcation defects.
Method: This clinical study included 20 systemically healthy patients, with grade II mandibular furcation defects, performed over 6 months. Control group comprised of open flap debridement + demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft + platelet-rich fibrin and test group comprised of open flap debridement + Cerabone + platelet-rich fibrin. Clinical parameters included: Plaque index, Modified Sulcular bleeding index, Vertical probing pocket depth, Horizontal probing depth, Probing clinical attachment level, Radiographic furcation depth, and radiographic bone fill percentage.
Results: Both groups showed satisfactory bone regeneration and improvement in clinical parameters. The test group exhibited greater reduction in vertical probing pocket depth, horizontal probing depth, and higher radiographic bone fill percentage when compared to control group, although these findings were not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Both bone grafts were equally effective in treatment of grade II furcation defects. Further long-term studies are required to explore their maximum regenerative potential.
Clinical characteristics and endoscopic findings in autoimmune gastritis – a retrospective study
Objectives: Autoimmune gastritis (AG) is a rare condition that increases the risk of developing stomach adenocarcinomas or carcinoid tumours. The objectives of the present research were to summarise the clinical traits of AG patients, together with gastroscopic and histopathologic findings, demographic data, and hematologic characteristics.
Patients and methods: A medical centre assessed 58 AG patients from January 2019 to December 2022.
Results: The majority of the patients were female (73.7%), and the mean age of the participants at the time of the diagnosis was 57.7 ± 12.1 years. We identified pernicious anaemia (54.4%), iron deficiency anaemia (21.1%), as well as autoimmune disorders (96.5%). Though 78.9% of patients reported having gastrointestinal symptoms, 69% presented exclusively upper gastrointestinal symptoms, 17% only had lower, and 14% had concurrent upper and lower gastrointestinal symptoms. All 58 AG patients were examined for associated gastric lesions, although abnormal injuries were detected in only 22 of them. One patient (1.8%) had adenocarcinoma, while five patients (8.8%) had type 1 neuroendocrine tumours (NET). In addition, hyperplastic polyps were found in 16 (28.1%) individuals.
Conclusions: Other autoimmune diseases were present with AG, which showed a female predominance. Clinicians should give AG more significant thought by allowing access to interdisciplinary teams.
Inter-observer variability on the value of endoscopic images for the documentation of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy – our center experience
Objective: Endoscopy is an essential and invaluable diagnostic tool in the arsenal of every gastroenterologist. ESGE presented additional guidelines for standardized image documentation in upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy. Clinical disagreement is a common challenge in most, if not all, fields of medicine. Settling disagreements is important so as to find ways to minimize it. Clinical disagreement in gastroscopy may be demonstrated by studying the observer variability.
Methods: We retrospectively recruited 120 random patients that underwent conventional upper gastrointestinal endoscopy between 2021-2022 in our Department of Gastroenterology, all of them performed by one endoscopist. As part of the study, all video-endoscopic recordings were stored using one internal server. In order to study interobserver variability, four physicians (endoscopists and gastroenterologist specialists) were invited to complete the questionnaire.
Results: The interobserver variability in our study ranged from moderate to very good in the assessment of the esophagus, with the highest degree of agreement in response to questions concerning characteristic findings such as normal mucosa, esophagitis Class A Los Angeles, hiatal hernia for the esophagus endoscopic evaluation, benign ulcer niche in gastric antrum, normal gastric corpus mucosa, intestinal metaplasia and angiodysplasia in gastric corpus. The question on atrophic mucosa in the first and second part of the duodenum was the most difficult to agree upon.
Conclusion: The present study found that the variability between observers in the assessment of images obtained from patients that underwent conventional upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in our center was acceptably good.
Anatomical variations of nutrient foramina on the long bones of the upper extremities – Importance and application in everyday clinical practice
Objectiv: Anatomic characterization of the nutrient artery of upper extremity long bones differs among the several textbooks on human anatomy. To elucidate the anatomical features of the nutrient foramen (NF) through which the nutrient arteries pass, we examined the morphology and topography of the NF on the diaphysis of the long bones of the upper extremities.
Methods: A total of 150 (50 humeri, 50 radii, 50 ulnae) macerated and degreased adults, long bones of the upper extremities, unknown age, and gender were used as material in this study. The following parameters were determined for each bone: total number of NF, foramina index (FI), total bone length, position of the NF based on the FI value and the surface of the shaft/body of the bones, and obliquity of the nutritional canal (NC).
Results: The largest number of NF was found on the middle third of the anteromedial side of the humerus diaphysis, with NC directed distally, that is, towards the elbow. Radius and ulna had predominantly one NF, on middle third of anterior surface, with NC directed proximally.
Conclusion: This study provides additional and important information on the location and number of NF in the long bones of the upper and lower extremities in the Bosnian and Herzegovinian population.
Testosterone deficiency is associated with clinically relevant depression symptoms
Objective: To investigate the association between testosterone deficiency and depressive and/or anxiety symptoms.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the urology outpatient clinic from Ludus County Hospital. A set of validated questionnaires ((International Prostate Symptoms Score (IPSS), Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (Zung SDS)) were self-administrated. Inclusion criteria: age > 40 years. Exclusion criteria: any relevant psychiatric, cardiovascular, or cancer comorbidity. Statistical analyzes were performed using the statistical software Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 23, Chicago, IL, USA).
Results: From the total of 55 participants included in the study, 23 (41.8%) had testosterone deficiency. Most were from the 60-69 years decade, 23 participants (41.8%), and the mean age was 59.3 (SD 9.03) years. Eleven (20%) patients had depressive symptoms according to the depression subscale, of these, 7 had mild symptoms and 4 according to Zung SDS. Testosterone deficiency was associated with an increased DASS-21 global score, p=0.021, and depression score, p=0.047.
Conclusions: Patients with testosterone deficiency are presenting symptoms of depression. Therefore, these patients need a multi-disciplinary approach that should include a psychological evaluation before making a further management decision.
Comparison of two different file systems on postoperative pain after root canal instrumentation: A randomized controlled trial
Introduction: In this study post instrumentation pain is evaluated between rotary hyflex CM files and conventional k-files at different time intervals.
Methodology: fifty patients were equally assigned into two groups and instrumented using hyflex cm or conventional files. VAS for pain was noted before the start of a root canal and after the procedure at 12, 24, and 48 hours.
Results: There was no significant difference at 12, 24, and 48 hours with P values being 0.127, 0.867, and 0.846 respectively.
Conclusion: There is no significant difference in causing post-instrumentation pain between hyflex CM and conventional files at different time intervals. However, when accessing preop pain of the conventional file group, it had more pain mean score compared to hyflex group. According to this study, Conventional files may be able to slightly decrease the chances of post-instrumentation pain more than hyflex CM instrumentation.
Evaluation of effects on hepatocellular carcinoma cell line of Cocos nucifera: In vitro study
Objective: Cancer is one of the most important diseases today. The use of chemical drugs, surgical operations, and transplants is very common in its treatment. In addition to these treatment methods, studies include the effects of natural and plant-derived substances. Various substances are used in these studies, which are called phytotherapy. The antioxidant activity and cytotoxic effects of Cocos nucifera on hepatocellular carcinoma HepG-2 and the mouse fibroblast L929 cell line were investigated in this study.
Methods: In this study, in vitro cytotoxic effects of C. nucifera at different concentrations (7.81-500 mg/ml) were investigated on the L929 Mouse Fibroblast cell line and HepG-2 Hepatocellular Carcinoma cell line. In addition to these studies, their antioxidant capacity was evaluated via spectrophotometric methods. In this work, different concentrations of C. nucifera were examined.
Results: According to the results, C. nucifera had a cytotoxic effect in HepG-2 and ensured the proliferative effect of cells in the L929 cell line. Among C. nucifera extracts according to total antioxidant capacity results, C. nucifera extract was found to be the richest in antioxidants with 2.79 mmol/L, while the material with the lowest antioxidant capacity was determined to be C. nucifera milk. DPPH free radical scavenging activity results show the opposite.
Conclusion: In line with the data we obtained, it is thought that C. nucifera can be used in liver cancer studies, and its antioxidant effect may play an important role in balancing against oxidative stress. Simultaneously, the data show that the exposure time and concentrations of the active substance are related to the cytotoxic effect. However, it may be considered that the use of C. nucifera water, extract, and milk in cancer patients may be supported by more comprehensive clinical studies.