Category Archives: Original Research

Stability Studies of Ampicillin Trihydrate in Suspensions and Acidic Aqueous Solutions

Background: Ampicillin in trihydrate form is a b-lactamine antibiotic frequently used in therapy as suspensions and capsules. Because of the low stability only dry suspensions are sold, and also the low stability in acidic environment is source of unwanted side effects and bioavailability variations.
Aim: Our goal was to stabilize ampicillin so that a better stability can be obtained both in water suspensions and acidic solutions. This way misuse due to faulty preparation, side effects and bioavailability problems can be avoided.
Methods: In order to assess the changes in the ampicillin concentration high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and thin layer chromatography (TLC) methods have been used.
Results: None of the tried excipients improved stability of ampicillin suspensions. In contrast cyclodextrins and magnesium salts of glutamic and aspartic acid greatly improved the stability of ampicillin acidic solutions. In high amounts cyclodextrins also change the decomposition kinetic of ampicillin, which is usually a first order kinetic process.
Conclusions: Cyclodextrins and magnesium salts of glutamic and aspartic acid have the potential to be used in ampicillin containing formulations in order to increase its stability, bioavailability and to reduce adverse effects.

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Evaluation of Antimicrobial Effect of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Calcium Hydroxide and Calcium Hydroxide with Iodoform on Microbial Growth in Vitro

Background: The success of treatment of a young permanent tooth with pulp necrosis appropriate each stage of development depends primarily on the complete sterilization of infected root canals using specific endodontics drugs capable of destroying pathogenic microorganisms, especially obligate and facultative anaerobic bacteria.
Aim: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of the three most used intraradicular substances, respectively mineral trioxide aggregate, calcium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide with iodoform on anaerobic bacteria isolated from infected root canals and also on pure bacterial species, namely Staphylococcus Aureus , Enterococcus Faecalis and Candida Albicans, cultures coming from the collection of the microbiology laboratory.
Material and methods: Anaerobic species grown on specific culture medium were prepared in the form of bacterial suspension using standardized system of 0, 5 McFarland turbidity diluted by half. The three drugs tested were used in different concentration and to each of them was added 1 ml of bacterial suspension obtained previously. From each sample obtained were made insemination on specific anaerobic medium and interpretation of results was made by comparing the number of bacterial colonies grown.
Results: Following this study MTA has failed to demonstrate superiority over calcium hydroxide in terms of antibacterial properties results showing that each substance tested has elective action on bacterial species.
Conclusion: All endodontic materials tested have shown antimicrobial properties able to effectively sterilize infected root canals but they compared different actions on bacterial species taken to study depending on the amount of active substance tested.

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Is Psychiatry a Profession Associated with High Anxiety?

Background: Depending on intensity, anxiety can have an adapting and mobilizing role, or it can represent a serious risk.
Aim: To examine the prevalence of anxiety symptoms for those who work in a clinic of psychiatry.
Material and method: Group consists of 35 persons who work in the Acute Psychiatric Clinic II – Targu Mures. Anxiety was measured as a current emotional state and as a trait by Spielberger’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI).
Results: Applying Spielberger’s Inventory 33.3% of the female and 28.5% of the male might be suspected of suffering from significant anxiety symptoms as a state. Also the subject’s predisposition to anxiety as a trait of the subject’s personality is important, 24% of female and 43% of men had levels of anxiety over 60% compared with standards.
Conclusions: An important number of people who work in psychiatry have high scores of anxiety. Further studies are needed to clarify to what extent this relates to a high prevalence of anxiety disorders.

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Lymph Node Harvest in Resected Colon Cancer Specimens

Background: The number of lymph nodes evaluated may be a measure of quality in colon cancer care and appears to be inadequate in most patients treated for colon cancer. We performed a systematic review of the evidence for the association between lymph node evaluation and oncologic outcomes in patients with colon cancer.
Aim: The adequate lymph node evaluation for cancer involvement, prognosis and adequate treatment of patients with colon cancer.
Method: It included information about diagnosis, patient age at diagnosis, the surgical procedure that was performed, anatomic location of the cancer, histology, tumor size, number of LN identified, number of LN positive for cancer, general stage (local, regional or to distance, TNM stage /A7CC). Rectal cancer was excluded. We analyzed data from the cancer registry of 1st Surgical Clinic of Sibiu including 287 patients with colon cancer. This registry includes follow-up information from 1998 to 2009. Identification of ≥12 LN (lymph nodes) in resected colon cancer specimens has been considered as a quality indicator. In patients with resected colorectal cancer, LN the involvement has particular importance for patient prognosis and adjuvant therapy.
Results: The average number of LN identified increased from 6±3 during 1998–2003, to 14±5 during 2003–2009. The proportion of patients diagnosed with positive LN increased from 31.6% during 1998–2003 to 37% during 2003–2009. No significant change in the proportion of patients diagnosed with just one positive LN (10% versus 10.6%) was observed.
Conclusion: The results suggest a relationship between the survival and identification of 12+ LN for stage I or II, considering the disease.

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Correlation Between Helicobacter pylori, Hiatal Hernia and Barrett’s Esophagus

Background: The incidence of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus has dramatically increased during the last 2 decades and so has the incidence of Barrett’s esophagus, one of the most important risk factors for esophageal adenocarcinoma.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine whether infection with Helicobacter pylori is associated with a lower risk of Barrett’s esophagus development in our area, and if there is a direct correlation between hiatal hernia and Barrett’s esophagus.
Material and method: We studied a series of 4359 patients who were investigated by upper endoscopy in the Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit of Targu Mures County Clinical Emergency Hospital between the 1st of January 2009 and 31st of December 2009. Barrett’s esophagus was defined as the presence of specialized columnar epithelium with goblet cells in the esophagus. We compared the patients with Barrett’s esophagus with a similar serie with patients without reflux disease.
Results: In 33 patients a diagnosis of Barrett’s esophagus was established. There was a strong predominance of males. The mean age at diagnosis was 64.18 years. Helicobacter pylori was present in 17 cases (51.51%) in the control patients compared to 42.42% in patients with Barrett’s esophagus (p 0.622, Odds Ratio: 0.69 95% CI: 0.26-1.83). Hiatal hernia was present in patients with Barrett’s esophagus in 21 cases (63.63%), and in patients without reflux disease only in 5 cases (15.15%) (p<0.001, Odds Ratio: 9.8: 95% CI: 2.99-32.18).
Conclusions: A significant correlation between hiatal hernia and Barrett’s esophagus was demonstrated in our study (p<0.001).

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The Role of SCID II in Diagnosis of Cluster B – Personality Disorders Associated or Not with Affective Comorbidity – a Pilot Study

Background: Affective co-morbidities are often associated with Cluster B – personality disorders,so it is very important to pay attention when we put these diagnoses.
Aim: To investigate the applicability of SCID II to patients with personality disorders.
Material and method: We applied the SCID II – The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV Axis II Personality Disorders, to a group of 10 patients with cluster B personality disorders with affective disorders as depression, anxiety or both admitted to The Psychiatric Clinic II Targu Mures, Romania at admission, at the end of the hospitalization, and every 3 months for a year (2009), which we compared with a group of 5 patients without affective disorders followed also for a year.
Results: We observed the time needed to complete the test, the way of answering the questions, at both groups, from admission to discharge and every three months for a year.
Conclusion: The diagnosis of personality disorders, with or without affective comordity can be established using this psychometric instrument – SCID II.

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Primary Cutaneous Melanoma: 7-year Follow-up (2003–2009)

Background: Primary cutaneous melanoma constitutes the main cause of skin cancer death in developed countries, and its incidence in recent years has been increasing in a steady, worrisome manner.
Aim: This study evaluated the histopathological aspects of this disease, and correlated them with patient prognosis.
Material and methods: The study included 138 patients with mild to severe primary cutaneous melanoma who were diagnosed in the Laboratory of Pathology Targu Mures during 2003–2009. Data were provided from hospital registers and the statistical analysis was performed by using the computer program called Excel.
Results: We found 76 malignant melanoma in females and 62 in males. The most common lesion areas were: the lower limbs (50), and the trunk (41).
Conclusions: Malignant cutaneous melanoma is still a major clinical challenge because all our patients with advanced tumors were diagnosed with poor prognosis.

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Resonance Frequency Analysis of Dental Implant Stability During the Healing Period (A Clinical Study)

Aim: The aim of this clinical study was to measure the implant stability quotient using a method called resonance frequency analysis of dental implants during the healing period.
Material and methods: A number of 27 patients received 50 internal hexagon implants (Biohorizons) either in the maxillary or in the mandibular arch. Implant stability was measured with an Osstell Mentor device (Osstel, AB, Sweden) using the resonance frequency analysis at the time of implant placement, 15, 30, 60 and 90 days post insertion.
Results: The mean implant stability quotient for all implants placed was 67.06. The lowest value of the implant stability quotient was at 30 days post insertion measuring 62.
Conclusions: In relation to the gender the implants placed in female patients showed a higher mean value of the implant stability quotient. In relation to the location within the dental arch the implants placed in the anterior areas had a higher implant stability quotient than the ones places in the posterior areas of the arch.

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The Influence of Row Soy Diet on Gastrointestinal Tract in Animal Model

Background: Soybean is the vegetal product of soy, Glycine max fam. Fabaceae. It is well known that short-term ingestion of raw soy and plant trypsin inhibitors by mice greatly stimulates the exocrine pancreas, leading to increased enzyme production, organ enlargement and cellular hyperplasia.
The aim of this study is to examine changes that occur in the liver, an organ from the gastrointestinal tract less studied on this topic when row soy is administrated. Short time nutritional studies were conducted on C57BL/6J mice of four weeks.
Results showed a decrees in mice body mass after administration of row soybean. Histological analyze revealed an alteration of the pancreas showing the presence of inflammatory cell infiltrate, the phenomen of vascular congestion and edema of the parenchymal cells and of the liver highlighting fibrosis of the vascular wall, the presence of the intravascular infiltrate represented by fibrin and figurative elements (erythrocytes and leukocytes), of the Kupffer cells phagocyte active, and granulocytes with diapedez trend.
Conclusions: The main conclusion of this study is that row soybean diet has a negative action on the gastrointestinal tract in animal model affecting mostly the pancreas and the liver translated by decreasing body weight in mice.

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Exposure to Aminoglycosides from Flu Vaccines and Susceptibility to Gentamicin Among Escherichia coli Strains in Urinary Isolates from Asthmatic Patients

Objective: To evaluate the antimicrobial resistance pattern of Escherichia coli, an important pathogen associated with urinary tract infections, in asthmatic adult patients previously repeatedly exposed to residual amounts of aminoglycosides from flu vaccines.
Material and methods: We determined the antibiotic susceptibility of Escherichia coli strains isolated from the specimens of adult asthmatic subjects with urinary tract infections, hospitalized in an allergy university clinic in Bucharest. All patients were enrolled in the previous six months, are known with persistent asthma treated with controller medication, and received seasonal influenza vaccination annually at least the last two years, with or without a previous A/H1N1 pandemic flu vaccination, with vaccines containing traces of aminoglycosides. A control group included adult patients with a positive history of adverse drug reactions not vaccinated for influenza and not treated with aminoglycosides in the last two years. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method.
Results: We found that overall the gentamicin susceptibility rate is high in analysed samples from the enrolled patients (94.82%). Gentamicin resistance is very low in both groups, with evidently no statistical increase in resistance to this antibiotic in the Escherichia coli isolated from the urine of asthmatic patients previously parenteral exposed to influenza vaccines containing residual amounts of neomycin or gentamicin.
Conclusion: The annually administration of injectable flu vaccines containing aminoglycosides in order to protect high-risk groups against the variable influenza virus seems not to influence gentamicin susceptibility pattern of Escherichia coli strains.

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